Saturday, November 26, 2005

Daddy's Turn

Today Barrett spent the day with Daddy. So, true to form, Barrett slept the entire day when he was with someone else. It makes it hard to get sympathy for how hard my days are when he is perfect for everyone else. Doug never had to deal with a crying fit, spit up, or a poopy diaper, but then again, he only had him for an afternoon. The real test will be next weekend. My friend Cindy has made it possible for me to do something I have ALWAYS wanted to do! We are headed to New York City next weekend. While I have been there before, it's never been in December. I can't wait to Christmas shop there and see all the Christmas decorations! Daddy thinks today was easy! We'll see how easy it is after he has him an entire weekend.

Now, on to what I need from Doug's helpers. DON'T HELP HIM! Make him wash bottles, change diapers, sooth the crying, make bottles, clean up puke, bathe Barrett, etc...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and since I wasn't able to write, I wanted to take a minute to mention the things I am thankful for:

My family, that is ALWAYS is there for me

My in-laws, who are so much more than the parents & brother I got through marriage

My friends, even though I don't see ya'll as much as I'd like, I do love you

My former students, you made the past 8 years amazing

Barrett, what would I do without him!

Doug, I am so lucky to have a husband that allows me to do whatever my heart desires

and finally,
I am thankful most for the Lord who has blessed me with the people I love.

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