Monday, January 23, 2006

Nextel Sucks!

I hate Doug's phone. I hate the beeping. There is nothing more annoying than the beep-beep of nextel.

It beep-beeped when I was in labor. (Doug did finally turn it off, but only after I threatened his life.)

It beeps until all hours of the night.

It beeps when we're eating dinner.

It beeps all weekend long.

It starts beeping by 6:30 in the morning. This morning, the first beep-beep was at 5:47 a.m.. Who needs anything that early?!?

Soon, very soon, there will be no more beep-beeping. (I'll blog more on that later.)

In other news, I was offered a part time teaching position starting in two weeks. I am completely on the fence about this. I love teaching, and I would even be teaching some of my old students. On the other hand, I love Barrett. I am supposed to make a decision today. So, today I will be thinking.

(Cindy, you don't need to comment. I know what you want me to do.)


QueenBee said...

Dork! I want you to do whatever is going to make YOU happy, not what is going to make ME happy!

Anonymous said...

Hi B

Little Zit face sure is cute--he reminds me of some famous person, but I just cannot think of who.--will work on that. Maybe Winston Churchill if you stick a stoogie in his mouth :-)

