Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Zoo

Last Wednesday, Barrett went to the zoo for the second time. The last time was a year ago, and he was far to young to remember any of it. Fisher was with us too, but he slept the entire time, so he doesn't really have anything to tell about his first trip to the zoo!

I can say, without a doubt, Barrett remembers it this time.

All I have heard every time we get in the car is, "aminals, zoo?" (Yes, I know animals is spelled wrong, that's how he says it.)
It was cute the first thousand times, but not so much anymore.

He even told his teachers about the aminals.

If you ask him about the zoo, he'll first say aminals, then elephant followed by his elephant sound, and then tiger followed by a big roar.

We did see other animals, but apparently the elephants and tigers were his favorites.

He was literally glued to the fence at both exhibits.

The other part he loved was the water play area in the children's zoo. The zoo was so empty that Barrett and his buddy that went with us were about to play without anyone else for a long time.

At first, Barrett was a little apprehensive about getting in the cold water.

I tried to encourage him by pointing out that his friend was already soaking wet within seconds, but Barrett wasn't convinced too quickly.

After getting close a few times, he finally stuck his hand in one of the streams of water, and then he was laughing and happy.

The real "fun" came when his friend was drinking the water, and Barrett apparently thought that looked fun.

He was so funny. I wish I had video of the entire play time in there because he was too cute.

The one thing he did NOT enjoy was the carousel. Here is the expression he made the ENTIRE time on it.

When we left the zoo, he slept the entire 40 minute ride home and still took a two hour nap after that. Considering that and how much he liked it, we definitely need a zoo membership!


Anonymous said...

aww! you got some great pics! Why are you still awake?

Anonymous said...

Brigitte, I LOVE all the pictures. The bluebonnet ones are wonderful. Fisher's picture with the smile makes me want to hold him. It is amazing how much you do with those two boys. I really miss them. I also love the zoo pictures. Wish I was there!!