Thursday, August 16, 2007

Fisher is 6 Months Old!

Fisher's little milestone day has been overshadowed by his big brother's birthday.

Fisher did accomplish something today. He can now sit up on his own, but he falls over pretty quick. If it is anything like his crawling, he'll master sitting up on his own in no time!

The only other Fisher news lately is that he has a new toy to entertain himself with.

He LOVES sticking his tongue out. Mainly he does it when I am trying to feed him, but he thinks it is so funny.

I have a feeling he's going to be a little more troublesome than his brother.

1 comment:

Kris said...

I think Fisher and Caden are 1 month apart. He turned 7 months on Wed. He is STILL not sitting and has no desire. Why when my big sister carries me and holds me ALL the time! He is also to wiggly to sit for a time. He, like Fisher, does rasberries why eating..real fun!